Adventure Begins: 2024 Summer Reading Program
Adventure Begins, the 2024 Summer Reading Program will run June 8-August 16. This year Albany County Public Library will partner with Smile Doctors. Participants can stop by the library on or after June 8 to sign up for the free program.
The Summer Reading Program is for all ages. ACPL and Smile Doctors will provide a reading challenge, where children, teens, and adults can reach goals over the summer. Participants will use a reading log to track their progress.
How It Works:
- For kids up through sixth grade, you can cross off an icon on the reading log for every 30 minutes of reading or listening.
- For teens and adults, an icon can be crossed off for every 60 minutes of reading or listening.
- After 10 icons, participants can bring their reading log to the library for a small prize.
- When you reach 20 icons, you will receive a free book.
- For each icon crossed off, you can fill out a raffle ticket for a big prize, provided by Smile Doctors. A full reading log equals 30 raffle tickets!
- There is no limit on the number of reading logs for participants, but the free book is available on the first reading log only.
The Summer Reading Program is especially important for school-aged youth, as they often experience a lapse in learning, commonly referred to as the “summer slide.” Summer Reading Programs help motivate children and teens to keep reading, learning, and exploring while they are out of school. The Summer Reading Program also encourages a love of reading and interest in the library and books.
The Summer Reading Program will start with a fun kick off on June 8 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Bring the whole family for snacks, games, and activities. Smile Doctors will be on hand to show off the raffle prizes. The event will also include an awesome balloon artist.
Summer Reading programming will run June 10 to August 4. Participants can enjoy the reading challenge through August 16. Raffle winners will be notified the week of August 19. More information and a full schedule are available on the ACPL calendar and on Facebook.
Free Summer Reading Program Events:
Come to the library, have some fun, and sign up for Summer Reading! Enjoy crafts, snacks, activities, and balloon animals!
BOOK BABIES – Tuesdays at 10AM
Books, rhymes, and songs for ages birth to 2.
Tuesdays at 10 a.m. – Washington Park
Tuesdays at 1 p.m. – LaBonte Park
Thursdays at 10 a.m. – ACPL Garden
Stories @ the Parks is geared toward families and pre-school-aged children. This program takes stories, songs, and rhymes around the community to reach you in your neighborhood.
KIDS LEGO CLUB – Tuesdays from 2:30PM to 3:30PM
For kids of all ages. Build and create with Lego!
STORYWALK® – Anytime!
Located around the exterior of the Laramie branch of the public library. Come walk and read a new story every two weeks.
YAK! – Thursdays from 3:45PM to 5PM
For tweens and teens grades 5th to 12th. Join us every week for crafts, games, art, activities, and more.
Preschool-aged activities to support development. Bring your littles to learn, play, and socialize.
June 13, July 11, and August 15 at 1pm at LaBonte Park
Stories, activities, and snacks with our friends at Wyoming State Parks.
FOREIGN FILM SERIES FOR ADULTS – June 23, July 21, and August 18 at 7PM
Join us to explore other places and cultures with our foreign film series. This series is for adults. More information on specific films can be found on the ACPL calendar.
THE LEGO GUY – Tuesday, June 11 at 1PM
Come learn about the history of Lego® blocks with Lego Guy Curtis Mork and see some awesome Lego® sets!
PINT SIZE POLKAS – Monday, July 1 at 1:30PM
Join us for Wisconsin Schneider and the Magic of Music Program. This program will have you singing, clapping, and dancing along. Plus, music trivia!
BIG BUBBLE CIRCUS – Tuesday, July 9 at 1PM
Don’t miss this hilarious event with bubbles of every size and form mixed with a bit of circus, magic, and buffoonery.
TOP HOGS: TRICK PIG SHOW – Thursday, July 18; Shows at 1PM & 3PM
We can’t wait for you to see the pigs perform trick after trick. These pigs know how to entertain! Space is limited for this event. Arrive early to get a seat.
SUMMER READING BASH: FOAM PARTY! – Sunday, August 4 from 1PM to 2:30PM in the ACPL parking lot
Ann Lincoln is back with a hilarious, fun, and awesome foam party! Bring the kiddos for some fun in the sun, with lots of foam. Kids will get wet, so we recommend wearing a swimsuit and bringing a towel. Don’t forget to wear shoes and sunscreen. This event is sponsored by the ACPL Foundation and Smile Doctors.