GoWyld – Bookflix
With the State Libraries new revamp, they have been highlighting some of the amazing things they offer. For this month, GoWyld is highlighting its free early childhood reading program, Bookflix. Primarily for PreK – 3rd grade, Bookflix focuses on developing key literacy skills in a fun and engaging way.
Broken into multiple sections like animals, people, ABCs, etc. Children can choose what they want to focus on and move at their own pace through multiple stories and games. Each section has subcategories that focus on more specific topics, like spring. After you read the story, you have the opportunity to play a game based off of what you just learned, or meet the people behind the story!
To access Bookflix, you can come into the library and use it through one of our computers, or you can access it by going to this link here. If you are accessing it outside of the library, select this link here.