Did you know that the Albany County Public Library has a quarterly newsletter? ACPL, the ACPL Foundation, and the Friends of the Library publish a quarterly newsletter. The most recent issue includes a recap of the amazing author series during the fall, Experiences in the West. You can also learn about ACPL getting […]
Albany County Public Library announces removal of overdue fines and forgiveness of all existing bills Albany County Public Library announced Monday that it will no longer charge overdue fines on any check out items. Overdue fines had been temporarily suspended during the pandemic for all patrons. The ACPL Board of […]
Check our Events Calendar for future events and updates. Ongoing: StoryWalk® An outdoor reading experience for kids and families! Start at the front of the library to find the first sign, then head toward Grand Avenue and around the block to read the whole story. Monday, July 20 Indian Paintbrush Book Talk: 11 […]
Check our Events Calendar for future events and updates. Ongoing: StoryWalk® An outdoor reading experience for kids and families! Start at the front of the library to find the first sign, then head toward Grand Avenue and around the block to read the whole story. Check back on Wednesday for a new book! […]
Check our Events Calendar for future events and updates. Ongoing: StoryWalk® An outdoor reading experience for kids and families! Start at the front of the library to find the first sign, then head toward Grand Avenue and around the block to read the whole story. Check back on Wednesday for a new book! […]
Check our Events Calendar for future events and updates. Ongoing: StoryWalk® An outdoor reading experience for kids and families! Start at the front of the library to find the first sign, then head toward Grand Avenue and around the block to read the whole story. Check back on Wednesday for a new book! […]
Check our Events Calendar for future events and updates. Grab & Go is still available to reserve items for pickup. Ongoing: StoryWalk® An outdoor reading experience for kids and families! Start at the front of the library to find the first sign, then head toward Grand Avenue and around the block to read the […]